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Festival 廟會


初三日 韋馱菩薩佛辰
初六日 虎爺生日
十一日 田都元帥千秋
十五日 王靈天君聖誕
十八日 南鯤鯓池二王爺千秋
十九日 觀世音菩薩得道紀念
廿四日 關聖帝君聖誕
廿四日 西秦王爺千秋
廿四日 雷祖大帝聖誕
廿四日 南極大帝聖誕



DokuWiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source wiki software that doesn't require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable syntax. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator's favorite. Built in access controls and authentication connectors make DokuWiki especially useful in the enterprise context and the large number of plugins contributed by its vibrant community allow for a broad range of use cases beyond a traditional wiki.

Read the DokuWiki Manual to unleash the full power of DokuWiki.


DokuWiki is available at http://download.dokuwiki.org/

Read More

All documentation and additional information besides the syntax description is maintained in the DokuWiki at www.dokuwiki.org.

About DokuWiki

Installing DokuWiki

  • System Requirements
  • Change Log
  • How to install or upgrade :!:
  • Configuration

Using DokuWiki

Customizing DokuWiki

  • Tips and Tricks
  • How to create and use templates
  • Installing plugins
  • Development Resources

DokuWiki Feedback and Community

2004-2015 © Andreas Gohr andi@splitbrain.org1) and the DokuWiki Community

The DokuWiki engine is licensed under GNU General Public License Version 2. If you use DokuWiki in your company, consider donating a few bucks ;-).

Not sure what this means? See the FAQ on the Licenses.

Please do not contact me for help and support – use the mailinglist or forum instead
wiki/dokuwiki.txt · 上一次變更: 2018/07/17 08:24 (外部編輯)